all postcodes in LS10 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS10 4BB 24 0 53.747123 -1.547363
LS10 4BD 33 0 53.745904 -1.54583
LS10 4BE 34 0 53.746103 -1.546297
LS10 4BG 27 1 53.745846 -1.549727
LS10 4BN 32 0 53.747089 -1.543209
LS10 4BQ 35 0 53.747105 -1.552246
LS10 4BR 17 0 53.747881 -1.541032
LS10 4BS 23 1 53.746588 -1.539074
LS10 4BT 16 0 53.746456 -1.539743
LS10 4BW 38 0 53.747453 -1.544251
LS10 4DD 6 0 53.745648 -1.539995
LS10 4DE 14 2 53.746092 -1.538655
LS10 4DF 8 0 53.745824 -1.539189
LS10 4DG 17 0 53.745319 -1.540984
LS10 4DJ 40 0 53.745314 -1.539771
LS10 4DN 1 0 53.744615 -1.537822
LS10 4DQ 16 0 53.744554 -1.54084
LS10 4DT 27 0 53.742676 -1.53906
LS10 4DU 9 0 53.742511 -1.540014
LS10 4DW 12 0 53.743803 -1.537532