all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 5DZ 2 0 53.789783 -1.546332
LS11 5EA 1 0 53.778036 -1.543389
LS11 5EB 1 1 53.789722 -1.546328
LS11 5EG 20 8 53.778166 -1.544526
LS11 5EH 3 0 53.778382 -1.544493
LS11 5EJ 1 0 53.77857 -1.544491
LS11 5EL 19 1 53.777558 -1.542984
LS11 5EN 42 1 53.777522 -1.542924
LS11 5EP 43 0 53.777201 -1.541794
LS11 5EQ 7 3 53.776811 -1.542719
LS11 5ER 1 1 53.777982 -1.541144
LS11 5ES 45 0 53.777113 -1.541775
LS11 5ET 65 1 53.777503 -1.540345
LS11 5EU 26 0 53.778337 -1.539986
LS11 5EW 41 1 53.777439 -1.5425
LS11 5EY 30 0 53.778672 -1.54059
LS11 5EZ 35 0 53.777225 -1.540651
LS11 5HA 48 0 53.777268 -1.540059
LS11 5HD 46 0 53.777241 -1.540014
LS11 5HE 42 0 53.777159 -1.53965