all postcodes in LS12 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS12 3DR 9 0 53.793597 -1.604973
LS12 3DS 21 6 53.794802 -1.602473
LS12 3DU 32 0 53.794819 -1.605038
LS12 3DX 65 0 53.795747 -1.602965
LS12 3DY 20 0 53.794863 -1.604749
LS12 3DZ 29 0 53.794897 -1.604661
LS12 3EA 19 0 53.795212 -1.604047
LS12 3EB 26 0 53.795138 -1.603593
LS12 3ED 31 0 53.795029 -1.603229
LS12 3EE 29 0 53.795047 -1.603153
LS12 3EF 27 0 53.795162 -1.602666
LS12 3EG 24 0 53.795189 -1.602575
LS12 3EH 22 0 53.795365 -1.601374
LS12 3EJ 10 3 53.795307 -1.600847
LS12 3EL 1 1 53.792822 -1.596419
LS12 3EQ 29 0 53.795277 -1.602058
LS12 3ES 1 1 53.795094 -1.595593
LS12 3EY 10 0 53.795749 -1.595389
LS12 3EZ 22 0 53.796056 -1.595796
LS12 3HA 7 0 53.797681 -1.597921