all postcodes in LS12 / LEEDS

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Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS12 1HA 38 0 53.791719 -1.581311
LS12 1HE 18 16 53.788238 -1.572876
LS12 1HF 1 1 53.788998 -1.571669
LS12 1HG 2 0 53.791424 -1.579784
LS12 1HH 7 1 53.791363 -1.579842
LS12 1HJ 23 0 53.791352 -1.579022
LS12 1HL 31 0 53.791621 -1.579005
LS12 1HN 9 0 53.791027 -1.578844
LS12 1HP 39 0 53.791328 -1.57752
LS12 1HQ 33 2 53.791828 -1.579033
LS12 1HS 32 0 53.790691 -1.577648
LS12 1HU 4 2 53.791635 -1.575149
LS12 1HW 9 0 53.790822 -1.579119
LS12 1HX 6 3 53.790877 -1.574519
LS12 1HY 5 5 53.78886 -1.573431
LS12 1HZ 1 1 53.790402 -1.574812
LS12 1JD 2 2 53.790231 -1.575379
LS12 1JE 1 1 53.791908 -1.576209
LS12 1JF 49 0 53.790597 -1.576677
LS12 1JG 50 0 53.790597 -1.576677