all postcodes in LS13 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS13 1BB 0 53.817125 -1.644365
LS13 1BD 0 53.812907 -1.652632
LS13 1BE 0 53.817197 -1.644531
LS13 1BG 0 53.817522 -1.644832
LS13 1BH 0 53.810865 -1.658344
LS13 1BJ 0 53.811396 -1.658476
LS13 1BL 0 53.810398 -1.658484
LS13 1BN 0 53.810491 -1.659516
LS13 1BP 0 53.811421 -1.65799
LS13 1BQ 15 53.818567 -1.642803
LS13 1BR 0 53.812337 -1.657664
LS13 1BS 0 53.812754 -1.655898
LS13 1BT 0 53.814218 -1.655355
LS13 1BU 0 53.8136 -1.656043
LS13 1BW 1 53.811038 -1.660003
LS13 1BX 0 53.812981 -1.656717
LS13 1BY 0 53.813968 -1.655949
LS13 1BZ 0 53.813983 -1.658015
LS13 1DA 0 53.812118 -1.659746
LS13 1DB 0 53.813608 -1.658929