all postcodes in LS13 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS13 4AA 8 0 53.805551 -1.62541
LS13 4AD 3 3 53.804792 -1.621104
LS13 4AG 8 0 53.804295 -1.619556
LS13 4AJ 13 1 53.803501 -1.618531
LS13 4AL 29 0 53.804057 -1.618374
LS13 4AN 37 0 53.803746 -1.616524
LS13 4AP 5 4 53.805911 -1.633481
LS13 4AQ 4 0 53.804037 -1.620348
LS13 4AT 4 3 53.805733 -1.633953
LS13 4AU 1 0 53.803739 -1.614292
LS13 4AW 28 0 53.804167 -1.616065
LS13 4BD 8 0 53.805092 -1.627111
LS13 4BH 9 0 53.805439 -1.631997
LS13 4BQ 5 0 53.805771 -1.631766
LS13 4BJ 3 1 53.805759 -1.631695
LS13 4BL 11 1 53.805482 -1.62855
LS13 4BN 41 1 53.805891 -1.624234
LS13 4BP 28 0 53.804789 -1.628222
LS13 4BU 41 0 53.804872 -1.628722
LS13 4BX 23 0 53.804849 -1.630013