all postcodes in LS14 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS14 1BG 30 0 53.828271 -1.477514
LS14 1BH 18 0 53.830436 -1.475299
LS14 1BJ 30 0 53.830621 -1.474309
LS14 1BL 35 0 53.830699 -1.473746
LS14 1BN 10 0 53.82818 -1.471088
LS14 1BP 36 0 53.824626 -1.470343
LS14 1BQ 32 0 53.82975 -1.474487
LS14 1BR 26 0 53.823418 -1.469371
LS14 1BS 39 1 53.828661 -1.46818
LS14 1BT 23 3 53.827603 -1.468619
LS14 1BU 16 0 53.827913 -1.467764
LS14 1BW 33 1 53.824489 -1.469722
LS14 1BX 11 0 53.827991 -1.469055
LS14 1BY 19 0 53.828527 -1.470354
LS14 1BZ 23 0 53.828842 -1.470518
LS14 1DA 24 0 53.829395 -1.469447
LS14 1DD 14 0 53.829824 -1.469016
LS14 1DE 16 0 53.831066 -1.471619
LS14 1DF 26 0 53.832796 -1.470285
LS14 1DG 27 0 53.83265 -1.469725