all postcodes in LS14 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS14 2BJ 31 0 53.825081 -1.455449
LS14 2BL 1 1 53.831175 -1.453577
LS14 2BN 17 0 53.829052 -1.453073
LS14 2BP 30 0 53.829685 -1.453855
LS14 2BQ 42 0 53.825818 -1.455409
LS14 2BR 28 0 53.830045 -1.453957
LS14 2BS 5 0 53.828897 -1.454595
LS14 2BT 6 0 53.829762 -1.455024
LS14 2BU 11 0 53.830437 -1.455304
LS14 2BW 24 0 53.829341 -1.453525
LS14 2BX 6 0 53.831707 -1.455789
LS14 2BY 6 0 53.832985 -1.456274
LS14 2BZ 21 0 53.83191 -1.455087
LS14 2DA 27 1 53.831675 -1.454665
LS14 2DB 40 0 53.833185 -1.454721
LS14 2DD 46 0 53.832555 -1.454471
LS14 2DE 34 0 53.83066 -1.45483
LS14 2DF 29 3 53.833448 -1.455265
LS14 2DG 7 0 53.834657 -1.458197
LS14 2DH 20 0 53.836737 -1.461057