all postcodes in LS14 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS14 6BB 38 0 53.808006 -1.471995
LS14 6BD 5 0 53.8075 -1.471485
LS14 6BE 30 0 53.808192 -1.471537
LS14 6BG 42 0 53.809864 -1.473551
LS14 6BH 28 0 53.810468 -1.476064
LS14 6BJ 4 0 53.810887 -1.475194
LS14 6BL 32 0 53.810209 -1.472301
LS14 6BN 16 0 53.809205 -1.468776
LS14 6BP 22 0 53.811303 -1.465666
LS14 6BQ 8 0 53.810329 -1.475003
LS14 6BR 15 0 53.811355 -1.465104
LS14 6BS 12 0 53.810979 -1.465564
LS14 6BT 13 0 53.811757 -1.464658
LS14 6BU 20 0 53.811522 -1.466286
LS14 6BW 18 0 53.811043 -1.465654
LS14 6BX 26 0 53.81165 -1.470856
LS14 6BY 40 0 53.812441 -1.470907
LS14 6BZ 28 0 53.812091 -1.470926
LS14 6DA 14 0 53.812949 -1.471994
LS14 6DB 20 0 53.813559 -1.469769