all postcodes in LS15 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS15 0BG 1 1 53.785352 -1.456965
LS15 0BL 24 0 53.790755 -1.48182
LS15 0BN 18 0 53.792869 -1.479957
LS15 0BP 16 0 53.793552 -1.48218
LS15 0BR 20 0 53.793291 -1.484035
LS15 0BS 34 0 53.793409 -1.484459
LS15 0BT 22 0 53.793432 -1.483563
LS15 0BU 16 0 53.792866 -1.48354
LS15 0BW 9 0 53.793263 -1.481835
LS15 0BX 24 0 53.79232 -1.483987
LS15 0BY 58 0 53.790873 -1.486145
LS15 0DB 45 0 53.793404 -1.485233
LS15 0DD 14 0 53.792866 -1.485528
LS15 0DE 3 1 53.795138 -1.485182
LS15 0DF 20 0 53.794604 -1.484353
LS15 0DP 28 0 53.794994 -1.47061
LS15 0DR 16 2 53.794245 -1.472046
LS15 0DS 17 0 53.794652 -1.472542
LS15 0DT 21 0 53.794892 -1.474012
LS15 0DU 61 0 53.796461 -1.475711