all postcodes in LS16 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS16 9BB 4 0 53.88608 -1.623698
LS16 9BD 8 0 53.885864 -1.620779
LS16 9BE 16 0 53.88476 -1.615419
LS16 9BG 4 0 53.884714 -1.615252
LS16 9BH 8 0 53.883908 -1.610467
LS16 9BJ 5 1 53.883458 -1.610456
LS16 9BL 12 0 53.882514 -1.610084
LS16 9BN 22 0 53.885742 -1.624842
LS16 9BP 7 0 53.882472 -1.61401
LS16 9BQ 25 0 53.884503 -1.616653
LS16 9BR 29 2 53.881903 -1.61581
LS16 9BS 28 1 53.881998 -1.612878
LS16 9BT 10 0 53.881899 -1.614517
LS16 9BU 27 2 53.881525 -1.612847
LS16 9BW 8 0 53.885282 -1.615779
LS16 9BX 4 0 53.88126 -1.617307
LS16 9BY 4 0 53.880901 -1.617477
LS16 9BZ 9 0 53.880474 -1.615808
LS16 9DA 9 0 53.880295 -1.616281
LS16 9DB 11 0 53.880543 -1.615001