all postcodes in LS18 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS18 5TD 6 0 53.843881 -1.634928
LS18 5TE 4 0 53.837769 -1.623952
LS18 5TF 6 0 53.83743 -1.623997
LS18 5TL 18 0 53.840734 -1.637508
LS18 5TN 1 1 53.846622 -1.630045
LS18 5TQ 26 0 53.839567 -1.629084
LS18 5TR 30 0 53.842507 -1.626566
LS18 5TS 1 1 53.863291 -1.691506
LS18 5TX 1 1 53.863291 -1.691506
LS18 5TZ 4 0 53.838895 -1.630048
LS18 5UN 31 0 53.838051 -1.651269
LS18 5US 15 0 53.837843 -1.656909
LS18 5WD 1 1 53.863291 -1.691506
LS18 5WE 1 1 53.863291 -1.691506
LS18 5WF 1 1 53.863291 -1.691506
LS18 5WN 22 0 53.851943 -1.640908
LS18 5WQ 1 1 53.863291 -1.691506
LS18 5WZ 1 1 53.863291 -1.691506
LS18 5NJ 51 0 53.836205 -1.617763
LS18 5NG 72 0 53.835493 -1.617131