all postcodes in LS19 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS19 6BB 9 0 53.851445 -1.687869
LS19 6BD 1 1 53.850223 -1.689296
LS19 6BE 13 0 53.852454 -1.688941
LS19 6BG 14 0 53.852394 -1.690096
LS19 6BH 14 0 53.850817 -1.693016
LS19 6BJ 13 1 53.852671 -1.692967
LS19 6BL 5 0 53.851047 -1.693709
LS19 6BN 6 0 53.852232 -1.693366
LS19 6BP 8 0 53.852235 -1.691146
LS19 6BQ 4 0 53.852395 -1.690172
LS19 6BU 17 0 53.852951 -1.689925
LS19 6BR 14 0 53.852875 -1.691765
LS19 6BS 9 0 53.852558 -1.692091
LS19 6BT 13 0 53.853092 -1.692113
LS19 6BW 23 0 53.85241 -1.692559
LS19 6BX 3 0 53.853099 -1.691277
LS19 6BY 5 0 53.855472 -1.691548
LS19 6BZ 14 0 53.855962 -1.690971
LS19 6DA 8 0 53.856307 -1.691284
LS19 6DJ 12 0 53.856773 -1.690566