all postcodes in LS2 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS2 7ES 8 4 53.795349 -1.537528
LS2 7EU 3 2 53.79499 -1.537163
LS2 7EW 37 9 53.794854 -1.539077
LS2 7EX 1 1 53.7949 -1.537118
LS2 7EY 44 25 53.794709 -1.53711
LS2 7EZ 84 0 53.794203 -1.535684
LS2 7HA 28 1 53.794686 -1.535177
LS2 7HB 7 1 53.794765 -1.534691
LS2 7HD 3 1 53.794951 -1.536894
LS2 7HH 1 0 53.796789 -1.539769
LS2 7HJ 40 38 53.797191 -1.539648
LS2 7HL 16 12 53.797424 -1.539064
LS2 7HN 16 10 53.796984 -1.539175
LS2 7HP 6 1 53.797197 -1.538783
LS2 7HU 4 4 53.797276 -1.536003
LS2 7HW 1 0 53.796738 -1.538681
LS2 7HY 12 9 53.797635 -1.538277
LS2 7HZ 5 3 53.797516 -1.540039
LS2 7JD 2 1 53.797197 -1.538783
LS2 7JE 12 9 53.797377 -1.538321