all postcodes in LS20 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS20 8DQ 12 3 53.872523 -1.713613
LS20 8DR 18 0 53.871725 -1.714652
LS20 8DS 14 0 53.871458 -1.715536
LS20 8DT 40 1 53.87051 -1.717428
LS20 8DU 60 0 53.869743 -1.720125
LS20 8DW 30 1 53.872238 -1.714938
LS20 8DX 31 0 53.870617 -1.720956
LS20 8DY 11 0 53.871085 -1.721561
LS20 8DZ 31 0 53.870472 -1.720485
LS20 8EA 25 0 53.873361 -1.718459
LS20 8EB 34 1 53.874153 -1.71897
LS20 8ED 7 0 53.873713 -1.719049
LS20 8EE 38 0 53.874024 -1.717298
LS20 8EG 8 0 53.871961 -1.711898
LS20 8EH 25 0 53.869664 -1.717175
LS20 8EJ 33 0 53.869514 -1.71853
LS20 8EL 9 0 53.869172 -1.722121
LS20 8EN 40 0 53.867892 -1.720533
LS20 8EP 36 0 53.867282 -1.720948
LS20 8ER 20 0 53.86658 -1.720329