all postcodes in LS20 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS20 9BA 7 1 53.875013 -1.707743
LS20 9BB 13 2 53.873278 -1.70614
LS20 9BD 13 0 53.874592 -1.7068
LS20 9BE 6 2 53.874411 -1.702907
LS20 9BG 20 0 53.873027 -1.702902
LS20 9BH 22 0 53.872777 -1.703482
LS20 9BJ 35 0 53.871475 -1.704023
LS20 9BN 15 0 53.874179 -1.703411
LS20 9BQ 38 0 53.873075 -1.704027
LS20 9BT 8 8 53.871977 -1.707061
LS20 9BU 23 3 53.872128 -1.706589
LS20 9BX 43 0 53.877347 -1.712758
LS20 9BY 39 0 53.877104 -1.712334
LS20 9BZ 8 0 53.875898 -1.711856
LS20 9DA 1 1 53.87609 -1.710976
LS20 9DB 48 0 53.87703 -1.711635
LS20 9DD 7 0 53.878548 -1.711046
LS20 9DE 12 0 53.8797 -1.712103
LS20 9DF 12 0 53.882032 -1.717457
LS20 9DG 24 0 53.882706 -1.717422