all postcodes in LS21 / OTLEY

find any address or company within the LS21 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS21 1DH 33 0 53.902929 -1.685172
LS21 1DJ 20 0 53.901726 -1.685577
LS21 1DL 30 0 53.899988 -1.677448
LS21 1DN 1 0 53.900149 -1.664206
LS21 1DP 2 0 53.906151 -1.680784
LS21 1DQ 28 0 53.901766 -1.683659
LS21 1DS 42 0 53.902878 -1.679161
LS21 1DT 2 0 53.906235 -1.675334
LS21 1DU 4 0 53.904893 -1.66362
LS21 1DW 6 0 53.895766 -1.643348
LS21 1DX 5 0 53.903492 -1.670237
LS21 1DY 4 3 53.907772 -1.674374
LS21 1DZ 35 0 53.908586 -1.669618
LS21 1EA 4 1 53.909305 -1.660114
LS21 1ED 1 0 53.905185 -1.652446
LS21 1EE 8 0 53.899356 -1.650774
LS21 1EF 1 0 53.902693 -1.642574
LS21 1EG 16 2 53.905099 -1.641488
LS21 1FB 2 0 53.902551 -1.637999
LS21 1EH 12 0 53.900046 -1.626236