all postcodes in LS22 / WETHERBY

find any address or company within the LS22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS22 7GA 20 0 53.935816 -1.385358
LS22 7GB 30 0 53.935397 -1.386081
LS22 7GD 11 0 53.934692 -1.385223
LS22 7GE 17 0 53.935388 -1.384192
LS22 7GF 8 0 53.940198 -1.396917
LS22 7GZ 4 3 53.932966 -1.382071
LS22 7LL 1 1 53.941011 -1.390614
LS22 7NS 1 1 53.932624 -1.381613
LS22 7PT 33 0 53.936673 -1.38952
LS22 7PU 53 0 53.935318 -1.388108
LS22 7PX 12 0 53.936248 -1.388977
LS22 7PY 14 0 53.936213 -1.387455
LS22 7PZ 16 0 53.936421 -1.386194
LS22 7QA 12 0 53.937059 -1.387625
LS22 7QB 1 0 53.942676 -1.38931
LS22 7QD 10 0 53.942788 -1.388455
LS22 7QE 21 0 53.941958 -1.387858
LS22 7QF 8 0 53.940672 -1.387603
LS22 7QG 15 0 53.94072 -1.388257
LS22 7QH 5 0 53.939804 -1.388301