all postcodes in LS25 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS25 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS25 2BE 0 53.786801 -1.369279
LS25 2BG 0 53.786553 -1.370026
LS25 2BH 0 53.785498 -1.372834
LS25 2BJ 0 53.785903 -1.372904
LS25 2BL 0 53.78477 -1.374454
LS25 2BN 0 53.784913 -1.375985
LS25 2BP 0 53.784981 -1.377092
LS25 2BQ 0 53.78537 -1.372366
LS25 2BR 0 53.785219 -1.3799
LS25 2BS 0 53.785035 -1.378836
LS25 2BT 0 53.784734 -1.379706
LS25 2BU 0 53.78452 -1.381819
LS25 2BW 0 53.784078 -1.376119
LS25 2BX 6 53.783871 -1.379597
LS25 2BY 1 53.784943 -1.378337
LS25 2BZ 0 53.785051 -1.381932
LS25 2DA 0 53.784044 -1.38172
LS25 2DB 0 53.783926 -1.383391
LS25 2DD 0 53.785111 -1.384815
LS25 2DE 0 53.784208 -1.385694