all postcodes in LS25 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS25 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS25 5BB 0 53.776088 -1.255041
LS25 5BD 0 53.775969 -1.256029
LS25 5BE 0 53.778468 -1.256137
LS25 5BG 0 53.777713 -1.253282
LS25 5BH 0 53.775811 -1.253892
LS25 5BJ 0 53.779977 -1.247373
LS25 5BL 0 53.779556 -1.246162
LS25 5BN 1 53.780036 -1.24107
LS25 5BP 0 53.778775 -1.244902
LS25 5BQ 0 53.776472 -1.253213
LS25 5BR 0 53.778186 -1.245504
LS25 5BS 0 53.778378 -1.245971
LS25 5BT 0 53.777679 -1.244967
LS25 5BU 1 53.778535 -1.245316
LS25 5BW 0 53.778313 -1.252938
LS25 5BX 1 53.777762 -1.232598
LS25 5BY 0 53.771489 -1.238372
LS25 5BZ 0 53.766414 -1.247494
LS25 5DA 0 53.765789 -1.242404
LS25 5DD 0 53.76364 -1.239333