all postcodes in LS25 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS25 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS25 7DF 28 0 53.772749 -1.378927
LS25 7DG 20 0 53.77297 -1.380001
LS25 7DH 28 0 53.774032 -1.380304
LS25 7DJ 28 0 53.773147 -1.381121
LS25 7DL 24 0 53.774056 -1.38129
LS25 7DN 28 0 53.774794 -1.379792
LS25 7DP 11 0 53.774745 -1.380794
LS25 7DQ 14 0 53.773187 -1.380195
LS25 7DR 24 0 53.775198 -1.381516
LS25 7DS 23 0 53.775726 -1.381038
LS25 7DT 19 0 53.776254 -1.380681
LS25 7DU 36 0 53.774932 -1.378697
LS25 7DW 27 0 53.775048 -1.380365
LS25 7DX 22 0 53.77483 -1.378168
LS25 7DY 21 0 53.774462 -1.376428
LS25 7DZ 35 0 53.775098 -1.37607
LS25 7EA 11 0 53.776573 -1.379781
LS25 7EB 15 0 53.777153 -1.382276
LS25 7ED 13 0 53.776413 -1.383577
LS25 7EE 1 0 53.776911 -1.384252