all postcodes in LS25 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS25 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS25 2EN 0 53.794183 -1.373206
LS25 2EP 0 53.795755 -1.376462
LS25 2EQ 0 53.795054 -1.376502
LS25 2ER 0 53.796039 -1.375714
LS25 2ET 1 53.797302 -1.374981
LS25 2EU 0 53.795758 -1.373638
LS25 2EW 0 53.793754 -1.373637
LS25 2EX 0 53.795611 -1.374672
LS25 2EY 0 53.795827 -1.37309
LS25 2EZ 0 53.796534 -1.372548
LS25 2HA 1 53.783685 -1.376747
LS25 2HD 1 53.795405 -1.371472
LS25 2HE 0 53.797062 -1.372115
LS25 2HF 2 53.798172 -1.367988
LS25 2HG 2 53.798181 -1.374927
LS25 2HH 2 53.801527 -1.373632
LS25 2HJ 0 53.808382 -1.371126
LS25 2HL 1 53.799474 -1.372687
LS25 2HN 0 53.798801 -1.372925
LS25 2HQ 4 53.79828 -1.374925