all postcodes in LS25 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS25 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS25 5DA 0 53.765789 -1.242404
LS25 5DD 0 53.76364 -1.239333
LS25 5DE 0 53.768622 -1.236876
LS25 5DF 0 53.769057 -1.236125
LS25 5DG 0 53.768967 -1.237416
LS25 5DH 0 53.771928 -1.225467
LS25 5DL 1 53.779169 -1.217948
LS25 5DN 0 53.763897 -1.238858
LS25 5DP 1 53.773433 -1.248654
LS25 5DQ 0 53.767228 -1.236815
LS25 5DR 2 53.771329 -1.245764
LS25 5DS 0 53.763117 -1.237719
LS25 5DT 0 53.781894 -1.249191
LS25 5DU 5 53.762386 -1.235867
LS25 5NF 0 53.762872 -1.23877
LS25 5DW 0 53.775569 -1.214494
LS25 5DX 0 53.762147 -1.236402
LS25 5DY 0 53.761127 -1.234236
LS25 5DZ 0 53.760692 -1.232302
LS25 5EA 1 53.76027 -1.233751