all postcodes in LS25 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS25 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS25 1NT 7 53.791567 -1.376786
LS25 1NU 0 53.793507 -1.376374
LS25 1NW 3 53.792994 -1.381436
LS25 1NX 2 53.791452 -1.375543
LS25 1PD 0 53.793267 -1.387368
LS25 1PE 0 53.793434 -1.386621
LS25 1PF 0 53.795089 -1.386871
LS25 1PG 0 53.794346 -1.387337
LS25 1PH 0 53.794037 -1.385034
LS25 1PJ 0 53.794319 -1.38383
LS25 1PL 0 53.793799 -1.382457
LS25 1PN 0 53.794341 -1.37972
LS25 1PP 0 53.793523 -1.377618
LS25 1PQ 0 53.794477 -1.384784
LS25 1PR 0 53.795251 -1.3816
LS25 1PS 1 53.795741 -1.382443
LS25 1PT 0 53.795945 -1.383715
LS25 1PU 0 53.795106 -1.384897
LS25 1PW 0 53.794548 -1.379516
LS25 1PX 5 53.796577 -1.386029