all postcodes in LS26 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS26 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS26 9DG 3 0 53.727529 -1.423881
LS26 9DH 3 0 53.726726 -1.427108
LS26 9DJ 7 0 53.726135 -1.427416
LS26 9DL 1 0 53.725769 -1.43171
LS26 9DN 26 0 53.725171 -1.436356
LS26 9DP 7 0 53.725323 -1.443932
LS26 9DQ 3 1 53.727983 -1.424863
LS26 9DR 1 0 53.725305 -1.438218
LS26 9DS 1 0 53.72872 -1.434262
LS26 9DT 3 0 53.728939 -1.433032
LS26 9DU 2 1 53.731069 -1.429183
LS26 9DW 1 1 53.730992 -1.449192
LS26 9DX 1 0 53.728495 -1.424822
LS26 9EB 14 0 53.737619 -1.411933
LS26 9ED 9 0 53.736604 -1.408339
LS26 9EE 9 1 53.734877 -1.41005
LS26 9EF 24 0 53.736501 -1.409432
LS26 9EG 16 0 53.737299 -1.410907
LS26 9EH 1 0 53.738271 -1.414744
LS26 9EJ 65 0 53.739183 -1.413852