all postcodes in LS27 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS27 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS27 7BA 7 1 53.764571 -1.64091
LS27 7BB 3 0 53.765494 -1.64028
LS27 7BE 3 0 53.765496 -1.640811
LS27 7BF 3 1 53.752704 -1.632113
LS27 7BG 9 0 53.759215 -1.629519
LS27 7BH 1 0 53.766321 -1.64003
LS27 7BJ 3 0 53.766886 -1.640591
LS27 7BL 1 0 53.767538 -1.638366
LS27 7BP 5 0 53.76019 -1.627842
LS27 7BQ 2 0 53.765986 -1.639976
LS27 7BS 34 0 53.761799 -1.633835
LS27 7BT 33 0 53.761744 -1.633365
LS27 7BU 57 0 53.762416 -1.632904
LS27 7BW 47 0 53.761181 -1.63475
LS27 7BX 40 0 53.763103 -1.63713
LS27 7BY 40 0 53.763418 -1.637082
LS27 7BZ 29 0 53.762879 -1.637147
LS27 7DA 22 0 53.762573 -1.63712
LS27 7DB 10 0 53.762271 -1.635469
LS27 7DD 8 0 53.762256 -1.636485