all postcodes in LS27 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS27 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS27 9BN 46 0 53.746473 -1.602383
LS27 9BP 19 16 53.745037 -1.601126
LS27 9BQ 37 0 53.746367 -1.602884
LS27 9BR 10 4 53.746464 -1.602307
LS27 9BU 1 1 53.74467 -1.600914
LS27 9DA 22 0 53.749312 -1.604737
LS27 9DD 38 0 53.743121 -1.602429
LS27 9DE 18 0 53.74953 -1.605326
LS27 9DF 2 1 53.748764 -1.60282
LS27 9DG 3 1 53.749033 -1.602514
LS27 9DH 2 0 53.749284 -1.602345
LS27 9DJ 31 0 53.749262 -1.60313
LS27 9DL 5 0 53.749445 -1.604068
LS27 9DN 1 0 53.749102 -1.606574
LS27 9DP 7 0 53.750006 -1.605322
LS27 9DQ 11 0 53.74925 -1.602205
LS27 9DR 9 0 53.738429 -1.589239
LS27 9DS 29 1 53.750506 -1.604407
LS27 9DT 17 0 53.737989 -1.589319
LS27 9DU 47 0 53.738503 -1.589723