all postcodes in LS27 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS27 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS27 0BE 8 0 53.737382 -1.612247
LS27 0BF 40 0 53.734678 -1.598886
LS27 0BH 18 0 53.734653 -1.613075
LS27 0BJ 46 0 53.736244 -1.613943
LS27 0BL 1 1 53.737556 -1.613109
LS27 0BN 16 16 53.732861 -1.603997
LS27 0BP 1 1 53.735227 -1.610144
LS27 0BQ 46 0 53.736011 -1.613427
LS27 0BU 16 2 53.73884 -1.601818
LS27 0BW 3 3 53.736035 -1.612471
LS27 0BX 1 1 53.728494 -1.624791
LS27 0BY 11 0 53.739099 -1.602107
LS27 0DA 21 1 53.738036 -1.603296
LS27 0DB 3 1 53.738251 -1.602915
LS27 0DD 1 1 53.736819 -1.605615
LS27 0DE 23 1 53.73757 -1.603604
LS27 0DF 9 0 53.737184 -1.603744
LS27 0DG 7 0 53.737425 -1.603362
LS27 0DH 8 0 53.738131 -1.602204
LS27 0DJ 21 0 53.737336 -1.601548