all postcodes in LS28 / PUDSEY

find any address or company within the LS28 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS28 6BJ 12 0 53.806739 -1.674443
LS28 6BL 20 0 53.806235 -1.674204
LS28 6BN 18 16 53.803441 -1.665727
LS28 6BP 5 2 53.803884 -1.663492
LS28 6BQ 31 0 53.806836 -1.674857
LS28 6BR 1 1 53.803907 -1.66414
LS28 6BS 6 4 53.803898 -1.664185
LS28 6BW 11 0 53.80273 -1.664423
LS28 6BY 8 0 53.804361 -1.665943
LS28 6BZ 1 1 53.805252 -1.663021
LS28 6DD 21 8 53.805194 -1.668002
LS28 6DE 34 1 53.805779 -1.668483
LS28 6DG 2 0 53.805334 -1.667868
LS28 6DJ 20 0 53.805784 -1.66698
LS28 6DL 2 0 53.806032 -1.66677
LS28 6DP 2 1 53.806725 -1.666795
LS28 6DQ 9 0 53.805401 -1.668106
LS28 6DR 35 3 53.806417 -1.668265
LS28 6DS 22 0 53.807193 -1.669504
LS28 6DT 7 0 53.806655 -1.669797