all postcodes in LS2 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS2 9DE 2 2 53.80198 -1.555948
LS2 9DF 11 11 53.807436 -1.560457
LS2 9DR 9 0 53.803854 -1.561466
LS2 9DS 10 0 53.80398 -1.561556
LS2 9DU 88 1 53.810402 -1.557738
LS2 9DX 9 7 53.810105 -1.555281
LS2 9DZ 17 5 53.810871 -1.556002
LS2 9EA 3 1 53.810871 -1.556002
LS2 9EB 48 0 53.810869 -1.555364
LS2 9ED 18 0 53.812086 -1.556308
LS2 9EH 2 0 53.811247 -1.555957
LS2 9EJ 1 0 53.811204 -1.555877
LS2 9EL 1 1 53.81137 -1.55469
LS2 9EN 6 3 53.805902 -1.548978
LS2 9EP 30 0 53.811268 -1.553993
LS2 9EQ 13 0 53.810551 -1.554486
LS2 9ER 2 1 53.806304 -1.549024
LS2 9ET 6 1 53.807759 -1.546275
LS2 9EX 28 1 53.807504 -1.547108
LS2 9EY 10 0 53.807757 -1.547561