all postcodes in LS4 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS4 2DU 35 0 53.806639 -1.581238
LS4 2DZ 42 2 53.806183 -1.579269
LS4 2EA 11 0 53.806976 -1.57999
LS4 2ED 38 0 53.806546 -1.577838
LS4 2EE 28 0 53.806625 -1.579705
LS4 2EL 3 2 53.807542 -1.579756
LS4 2EN 14 0 53.807607 -1.578055
LS4 2ET 2 0 53.806357 -1.575824
LS4 2EU 50 1 53.805814 -1.572079
LS4 2EW 12 12 53.808011 -1.588271
LS4 2EZ 7 6 53.807127 -1.587186
LS4 2HD 21 10 53.806673 -1.58399
LS4 2HE 13 0 53.804857 -1.572859
LS4 2HF 23 0 53.805077 -1.571733
LS4 2HG 28 0 53.80445 -1.572241
LS4 2HL 17 0 53.805354 -1.573735
LS4 2HN 13 0 53.808156 -1.583197
LS4 2HQ 49 25 53.806646 -1.583167
LS4 2HR 5 5 53.80557 -1.584104
LS4 2HS 12 0 53.812103 -1.578374