all postcodes in LS7 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS7 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS7 2DJ 150 1 53.818604 -1.551849
LS7 2DL 38 0 53.82309 -1.547472
LS7 2DN 21 0 53.824769 -1.549353
LS7 2DP 15 0 53.822003 -1.547544
LS7 2DQ 2 2 53.815422 -1.544699
LS7 2DR 45 5 53.823951 -1.549301
LS7 2DS 12 0 53.824368 -1.550162
LS7 2DT 29 0 53.82447 -1.548596
LS7 2DU 31 0 53.825128 -1.554104
LS7 2DW 10 1 53.82441 -1.547139
LS7 2DX 37 0 53.822147 -1.550034
LS7 2DY 40 0 53.822407 -1.549773
LS7 2DZ 11 0 53.818734 -1.550739
LS7 2EA 28 0 53.829101 -1.549306
LS7 2EB 23 2 53.828708 -1.549888
LS7 2ED 10 0 53.828181 -1.548435
LS7 2EE 8 0 53.827989 -1.547525
LS7 2EF 24 3 53.826171 -1.547322
LS7 2EG 19 4 53.825109 -1.548878
LS7 2EH 22 0 53.82639 -1.55008