all postcodes in LS7 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS7 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS7 3DU 7 53.814623 -1.53315
LS7 3DW 0 53.82367 -1.539126
LS7 3DX 15 53.816377 -1.531874
LS7 3DY 0 53.825491 -1.545213
LS7 3DZ 0 53.816825 -1.533323
LS7 3EA 0 53.816797 -1.535237
LS7 3EB 0 53.815498 -1.536451
LS7 3ED 0 53.816464 -1.535058
LS7 3EF 1 53.816196 -1.533299
LS7 3EH 0 53.815871 -1.535308
LS7 3EJ 0 53.814898 -1.537449
LS7 3EL 1 53.815324 -1.53542
LS7 3EN 0 53.81512 -1.533919
LS7 3EP 0 53.814893 -1.535622
LS7 3EQ 0 53.815353 -1.533658
LS7 3ER 0 53.814372 -1.535765
LS7 3ES 0 53.814206 -1.534552
LS7 3ET 0 53.813841 -1.535512
LS7 3EW 0 53.814429 -1.534291
LS7 3EY 0 53.818037 -1.535299