all postcodes in LS8 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS8 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS8 3RG 24 16 53.81138 -1.511549
LS8 3RH 36 0 53.811657 -1.510721
LS8 3RJ 30 0 53.811835 -1.510355
LS8 3RL 30 0 53.812093 -1.509668
LS8 3RN 26 0 53.812218 -1.509454
LS8 3RP 13 0 53.812555 -1.50825
LS8 3RQ 45 0 53.81139 -1.511226
LS8 3RR 32 0 53.812963 -1.509111
LS8 3RS 1 0 53.813789 -1.509041
LS8 3RW 30 0 53.812729 -1.509023
LS8 3RX 12 0 53.814058 -1.509194
LS8 3RY 4 0 53.816329 -1.51298
LS8 3YA 1 0 53.807363 -1.524787
LS8 3LA 0 53.814207 -1.492633
LS8 3LB 0 53.814132 -1.491951
LS8 3LD 0 53.813645 -1.491531
LS8 3NT 1 53.81453 -1.492675
LS8 3TD 12 0 53.813907 -1.496252
LS8 3TS 12 0 53.814464 -1.496032
LS8 3TR 11 0 53.813663 -1.495996