all postcodes in LS8 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS8 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS8 4DS 36 0 53.820159 -1.517108
LS8 4DT 44 0 53.820809 -1.517921
LS8 4DU 40 3 53.820732 -1.51897
LS8 4DX 52 0 53.820663 -1.519624
LS8 4DY 36 0 53.820873 -1.520366
LS8 4DZ 20 1 53.82171 -1.520706
LS8 4EA 1 0 53.821983 -1.521462
LS8 4EB 17 0 53.822513 -1.521487
LS8 4ED 4 0 53.822242 -1.521216
LS8 4EE 36 0 53.82227 -1.519135
LS8 4EF 12 0 53.821245 -1.519086
LS8 4EG 24 0 53.819941 -1.518934
LS8 4EH 30 0 53.821662 -1.519886
LS8 4EJ 9 1 53.817394 -1.518021
LS8 4EL 30 0 53.817686 -1.516955
LS8 4EP 8 2 53.816112 -1.518704
LS8 4EQ 10 0 53.822302 -1.522613
LS8 4ER 22 0 53.816993 -1.518907
LS8 4ES 17 0 53.817109 -1.518586
LS8 4ET 42 0 53.818363 -1.518151