all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 6LT 15 0 53.805481 -1.503702
LS9 6LU 15 0 53.806524 -1.501807
LS9 6LX 22 0 53.806019 -1.503407
LS9 6LY 8 0 53.80549 -1.503838
LS9 6LZ 22 0 53.806595 -1.503795
LS9 6NA 26 0 53.808279 -1.506585
LS9 6NB 40 0 53.808088 -1.506101
LS9 6ND 37 1 53.809538 -1.502363
LS9 6NE 1 0 53.809886 -1.499595
LS9 6NF 1 1 53.806127 -1.505699
LS9 6NH 14 1 53.801836 -1.496719
LS9 6NJ 38 1 53.803035 -1.492738
LS9 6NL 20 8 53.80225 -1.494144
LS9 6NN 53 0 53.803431 -1.490668
LS9 6NP 28 0 53.802638 -1.488111
LS9 6NQ 21 5 53.802489 -1.499774
LS9 6NR 37 2 53.803875 -1.487368
LS9 6NS 50 0 53.803523 -1.48927
LS9 6NT 18 0 53.80351 -1.492504
LS9 6NU 51 0 53.804221 -1.492663