all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 6SH 31 0 53.812456 -1.493661
LS9 6SJ 26 0 53.812006 -1.495534
LS9 6SL 11 0 53.812412 -1.493707
LS9 6SP 2 0 53.813143 -1.492437
LS9 6SQ 8 0 53.811177 -1.492503
LS9 6SR 29 1 53.812722 -1.494964
LS9 6SS 46 0 53.811909 -1.497733
LS9 6ST 21 0 53.811047 -1.498032
LS9 6SU 60 0 53.81115 -1.498973
LS9 6SW 21 0 53.812144 -1.492115
LS9 6SX 21 0 53.811676 -1.49359
LS9 6TA 8 7 53.800488 -1.504808
LS9 6TD 2 2 53.800805 -1.503332
LS9 6TF 1 1 53.801653 -1.499663
LS9 6TL 1 0 53.799565 -1.507643
LS9 6TN 4 4 53.800345 -1.505664
LS9 6TW 52 0 53.802604 -1.501473
LS9 6AD 0 53.802533 -1.495188
LS9 6SY 0 53.813795 -1.493139
LS9 6DD 0 53.808365 -1.507965