all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 1DT 6 0 51.883835 -0.428371
LU1 1DW 40 1 51.885141 -0.430563
LU1 1DX 3 1 51.880178 -0.421844
LU1 1DY 25 3 51.880619 -0.422541
LU1 1EA 1 1 51.883375 -0.425558
LU1 1EH 22 17 51.88439 -0.426826
LU1 1EL 15 0 51.880349 -0.420487
LU1 1EN 9 0 51.884562 -0.425541
LU1 1EW 46 28 51.885688 -0.428408
LU1 1EX 1 1 51.885854 -0.428751
LU1 1EZ 13 0 51.883643 -0.426067
LU1 1HA 35 0 51.884161 -0.425148
LU1 1HB 47 4 51.884947 -0.426123
LU1 1HD 32 1 51.885897 -0.427892
LU1 1HE 41 3 51.886192 -0.427751
LU1 1HG 29 4 51.885351 -0.426763
LU1 1HH 1 1 51.881624 -0.423029
LU1 1HJ 1 1 51.886028 -0.455466
LU1 1HL 1 1 51.8873 -0.455059
LU1 1HP 31 0 51.884073 -0.424657