all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 4AA 2 0 51.866129 -0.435006
LU1 4AB 6 0 51.854258 -0.428748
LU1 4AD 13 1 51.868461 -0.452248
LU1 4AE 21 0 51.86741 -0.453693
LU1 4AF 22 2 51.866784 -0.454644
LU1 4AH 64 0 51.868604 -0.461103
LU1 4AJ 7 7 51.856302 -0.467869
LU1 4AL 34 0 51.864613 -0.45985
LU1 4AN 19 0 51.862956 -0.466485
LU1 4AP 2 0 51.879123 -0.490807
LU1 4AQ 18 0 51.866737 -0.458567
LU1 4AR 9 0 51.856959 -0.469284
LU1 4AS 62 0 51.869245 -0.459208
LU1 4AT 13 0 51.873444 -0.462667
LU1 4AW 4 0 51.866957 -0.476846
LU1 4AX 16 1 51.882545 -0.468284
LU1 4AY 19 0 51.888025 -0.475509
LU1 4AZ 11 0 51.888163 -0.475737
LU1 4BB 6 3 51.873721 -0.495171
LU1 4BD 7 0 51.866836 -0.457242