all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 5EH 6 0 51.870546 -0.424375
LU1 5EJ 12 0 51.872968 -0.4206
LU1 5EL 4 0 51.872812 -0.420373
LU1 5EN 60 0 51.872137 -0.421007
LU1 5EQ 13 0 51.871293 -0.423782
LU1 5ER 10 0 51.874095 -0.419515
LU1 5ES 19 0 51.873793 -0.421109
LU1 5ET 61 0 51.874153 -0.423817
LU1 5EU 24 0 51.873994 -0.420681
LU1 5EX 40 0 51.874339 -0.423559
LU1 5EY 48 0 51.87321 -0.422538
LU1 5EZ 4 2 51.872705 -0.425113
LU1 5FA 2 2 51.87668 -0.417134
LU1 5HA 13 0 51.871913 -0.424429
LU1 5HB 55 0 51.873276 -0.424759
LU1 5HD 18 0 51.874112 -0.426095
LU1 5HE 26 0 51.87468 -0.425542
LU1 5HF 34 0 51.875088 -0.424434
LU1 5HG 58 0 51.874587 -0.423347
LU1 5HH 8 0 51.871854 -0.42398