all postcodes in LU3 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU3 4DH 10 0 51.921814 -0.440365
LU3 4DJ 14 0 51.922939 -0.440472
LU3 4DL 39 0 51.924631 -0.440588
LU3 4DN 40 0 51.924737 -0.439799
LU3 4DP 40 0 51.925345 -0.442221
LU3 4DQ 41 0 51.921886 -0.442428
LU3 4DR 39 0 51.924714 -0.441457
LU3 4DS 46 0 51.925204 -0.444494
LU3 4DT 48 0 51.92322 -0.435925
LU3 4DU 32 0 51.923949 -0.435929
LU3 4DW 54 0 51.924021 -0.443416
LU3 4DX 39 0 51.921857 -0.434823
LU3 4DY 51 0 51.922569 -0.434944
LU3 4EA 8 0 51.925166 -0.431436
LU3 4EB 9 0 51.924969 -0.43217
LU3 4ED 8 0 51.92341 -0.43125
LU3 4EE 39 0 51.92369 -0.430702
LU3 4EF 20 0 51.923499 -0.429865
LU3 4EG 39 0 51.922329 -0.430415
LU3 4EH 30 0 51.924749 -0.433254