all postcodes in LU3 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU3 1LP 0 51.894157 -0.420904
LU3 1LS 0 51.897296 -0.424403
LU3 1LT 0 51.897587 -0.423909
LU3 1LU 0 51.898489 -0.424168
LU3 1LW 0 51.899818 -0.42197
LU3 1LX 0 51.898226 -0.424003
LU3 1LY 0 51.898263 -0.426719
LU3 1LZ 0 51.898952 -0.424471
LU3 1NA 0 51.89925 -0.424548
LU3 1NB 0 51.891236 -0.421733
LU3 1ND 0 51.895715 -0.423117
LU3 1NE 1 51.895953 -0.422135
LU3 1NF 0 51.899892 -0.424845
LU3 1NG 0 51.900981 -0.425578
LU3 1NH 0 51.901671 -0.422719
LU3 1NP 0 51.893144 -0.433292
LU3 1NQ 0 51.900767 -0.425062
LU3 1NR 3 51.894613 -0.43484
LU3 1NS 1 51.893785 -0.434854
LU3 1NT 0 51.894135 -0.43272