all postcodes in LU6 / DUNSTABLE

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU6 1BE 36 3 51.895784 -0.534194
LU6 1BG 48 0 51.896198 -0.537146
LU6 1BH 69 12 51.895023 -0.540313
LU6 1BN 51 0 51.896599 -0.5419
LU6 1BP 11 0 51.89733 -0.541368
LU6 1BQ 30 0 51.895712 -0.536319
LU6 1BS 24 0 51.89635 -0.542853
LU6 1BT 65 0 51.89714 -0.538351
LU6 1BU 32 0 51.896659 -0.540168
LU6 1BW 52 0 51.896947 -0.541671
LU6 1BX 33 0 51.897358 -0.539274
LU6 1BZ 9 0 51.897787 -0.539114
LU6 1DA 9 8 51.894447 -0.532247
LU6 1DB 12 0 51.894796 -0.532835
LU6 1DD 12 0 51.894502 -0.532303
LU6 1DE 15 0 51.895216 -0.537672
LU6 1DF 16 0 51.895952 -0.536849
LU6 1DH 42 1 51.891388 -0.532812
LU6 1DJ 30 0 51.889262 -0.536092
LU6 1DL 18 8 51.888097 -0.53783