all postcodes in LU7 / LEIGHTON BUZZARD

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU7 2PE 38 1 51.909993 -0.676248
LU7 2PF 39 0 51.909819 -0.676791
LU7 2PG 1 1 51.911343 -0.67884
LU7 2PH 60 0 51.919604 -0.681025
LU7 2PJ 18 5 51.918252 -0.687158
LU7 2PL 41 0 51.913038 -0.67924
LU7 2PN 25 0 51.912473 -0.679359
LU7 2PP 38 0 51.914011 -0.678616
LU7 2PQ 14 0 51.913717 -0.676429
LU7 2PR 15 0 51.914029 -0.680917
LU7 2PS 23 0 51.913339 -0.682823
LU7 2PT 38 0 51.913638 -0.68546
LU7 2PU 46 0 51.914601 -0.68472
LU7 2PW 43 0 51.914511 -0.679895
LU7 2PY 57 0 51.915131 -0.68309
LU7 2PZ 18 0 51.915901 -0.684391
LU7 2QA 42 0 51.915846 -0.686661
LU7 2QB 54 0 51.916497 -0.685391
LU7 2QD 55 0 51.915468 -0.679416
LU7 2QE 18 0 51.916899 -0.677979