all postcodes in LU7 / LEIGHTON BUZZARD

find any address or company within the LU7 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU7 3ES 43 0 51.923219 -0.658732
LU7 3ET 16 0 51.926246 -0.655322
LU7 3EU 42 0 51.924581 -0.654427
LU7 3EX 43 0 51.925168 -0.654627
LU7 3FE 40 1 51.924757 -0.647848
LU7 3FF 36 0 51.918294 -0.654251
LU7 3FH 37 0 51.925236 -0.653491
LU7 3FL 28 0 51.918517 -0.650144
LU7 3FN 55 0 51.918044 -0.652833
LU7 3FS 39 0 51.917609 -0.636896
LU7 3FU 1 1 51.925988 -0.646924
LU7 3FW 15 0 51.933657 -0.667362
LU7 3GS 1 0 51.908011 -0.656913
LU7 3HA 25 1 51.920592 -0.653067
LU7 3HD 16 0 51.932228 -0.665892
LU7 3HG 40 0 51.919642 -0.654967
LU7 3HH 47 1 51.919274 -0.654967
LU7 3HJ 57 1 51.925526 -0.660797
LU7 3HL 32 0 51.938417 -0.672517
LU7 3HQ 59 1 51.921791 -0.65259