all postcodes in LU7 / LEIGHTON BUZZARD

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU7 4RJ 18 0 51.910751 -0.63405
LU7 4RL 16 0 51.910439 -0.641285
LU7 4RN 8 0 51.914807 -0.659168
LU7 4RP 58 0 51.912825 -0.654836
LU7 4RQ 8 1 51.911109 -0.633923
LU7 4RU 2 2 51.906274 -0.662159
LU7 4RW 13 13 51.912081 -0.631669
LU7 4SB 20 0 51.912443 -0.656854
LU7 4SH 7 5 51.91178 -0.657019
LU7 4SJ 12 0 51.911752 -0.640475
LU7 4SL 1 1 51.909125 -0.658407
LU7 4SQ 35 20 51.909276 -0.659743
LU7 4ST 15 0 51.911954 -0.640047
LU7 4SU 23 0 51.911547 -0.641455
LU7 4SW 8 5 51.910082 -0.659541
LU7 4SX 20 0 51.912133 -0.656427
LU7 4SY 6 0 51.911281 -0.642554
LU7 4SZ 7 7 51.909446 -0.66129
LU7 4TB 4 4 51.907406 -0.663695
LU7 4TD 1 1 51.907804 -0.6632