all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 1PX 4 3 53.483278 -2.245948
M1 1WA 4 4 53.48165 -2.238799
M1 1WD 1 0 53.48244 -2.234494
M1 1WR 20 14 53.48274 -2.24197
M1 1WT 1 1 53.483374 -2.244023
M1 1AH 1 1 53.483701 -2.233295
M1 1AE 20 0 53.483471 -2.231184
M1 1AF 3 0 53.480547 -2.23715
M1 1BZ 2 2 53.483521 -2.245709
M1 1EU 50 0 53.482887 -2.231136
M1 1EW 58 0 53.482887 -2.231136
M1 1RG 4 53.480441 -2.236306
M1 1JU 2 53.481998 -2.235667
M1 1RN 1 53.480333 -2.236441
M1 1AJ 1 1 53.482993 -2.232267
M1 1DE 1 53.482811 -2.233215
M1 1FN 13 53.483214 -2.233154
M1 1EY 3 3 53.481651 -2.23363
M1 1AN 1 1 53.481927 -2.235154