all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 5AE 2 1 53.476713 -2.243395
M1 5AL 46 0 53.47277 -2.242016
M1 5AN 25 25 53.477108 -2.243683
M1 5BB 23 0 53.473391 -2.242459
M1 5BY 52 0 53.472598 -2.243464
M1 5BZ 49 0 53.472598 -2.243464
M1 5DB 47 0 53.474226 -2.247496
M1 5DD 49 0 53.474226 -2.247496
M1 5DE 65 0 53.474226 -2.247496
M1 5EA 65 1 53.474695 -2.242135
M1 5EB 78 0 53.474695 -2.242135
M1 5ED 84 0 53.474695 -2.242135
M1 5EE 2 53.474965 -2.241729
M1 5EJ 1 53.47587 -2.242546
M1 5ES 1 53.474669 -2.246112
M1 5FW 7 53.475493 -2.243284
M1 5GD 1 53.471487 -2.241469
M1 5GE 0 53.472072 -2.241427
M1 5GF 0 53.471691 -2.242796
M1 5GL 2 53.47243 -2.242047