all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 2DZ 6 6 53.472945 -2.200843
M11 2EF 9 0 53.474645 -2.190322
M11 2EG 6 0 53.475034 -2.188892
M11 2EJ 7 0 53.474728 -2.188861
M11 2EL 6 0 53.474864 -2.188409
M11 2EQ 6 0 53.474495 -2.188769
M11 2ER 1 1 53.477407 -2.183177
M11 2EU 18 0 53.474397 -2.182336
M11 2EW 1 0 53.47402 -2.187502
M11 2EX 11 1 53.474362 -2.181371
M11 2EY 1 0 53.474487 -2.188091
M11 2FB 2 2 53.474564 -2.18348
M11 2FF 6 0 53.475627 -2.188835
M11 2FG 5 0 53.475466 -2.188427
M11 2FJ 12 0 53.475143 -2.187778
M11 2FS 1 0 53.473707 -2.180887
M11 2FT 1 0 53.47382 -2.183177
M11 2FU 22 0 53.474361 -2.182095
M11 2FW 1 0 53.474551 -2.181658
M11 2FX 1 1 53.475506 -2.19135