all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 3SU 17 0 53.478746 -2.199803
M11 3TA 17 0 53.47845 -2.199274
M11 3TB 16 0 53.478602 -2.200028
M11 3TD 11 0 53.479079 -2.199895
M11 3TF 26 1 53.480618 -2.198335
M11 3TH 17 0 53.479711 -2.197879
M11 3TJ 9 0 53.479719 -2.198632
M11 3TP 5 0 53.478621 -2.199576
M11 3TQ 4 2 53.479671 -2.200666
M11 3TR 28 0 53.475835 -2.203509
M11 3TS 4 0 53.479492 -2.199821
M11 3TT 9 0 53.47952 -2.199189
M11 3TU 7 0 53.479161 -2.199112
M11 3TW 56 0 53.475615 -2.201988
M11 3TX 4 0 53.479557 -2.198692
M11 3TY 1 1 53.475318 -2.202047
M11 3UE 6 0 53.479945 -2.197699
M11 3UF 4 0 53.4805 -2.199299
M11 3UG 6 0 53.480438 -2.198741
M11 3UH 4 0 53.480536 -2.198982